Dietary triggers and mitigators of arthritis

Previously I’ve written about some of the nutritional considerations around osteoarthritis and what may benefit or increase the inflammatory process. I’ve recently been chatting with a friend around some other dietary triggers for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and thought it would be good to consider for anyone who struggles with managing their condition. If you haven’t checkedContinue reading “Dietary triggers and mitigators of arthritis”

Insulin resistance and your personal fat threshold

Insulin resistance (IR) used to be considered a condition that develops from repeated exposure to high insulin levels, which cause the insulin receptors to not be as sensitive to their signal, and we have to pump out more insulin to dispose a certain amount of nutrients. Over time, this leads to type 2 diabetes asContinue reading “Insulin resistance and your personal fat threshold”

Glucose, ketones and brain health: new study

We know that the fuel we eat affects brain health – and that a large part of preserving overall longevity and health is looking after our brain. Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s are all conditions which relate to the brains ability to function effectively. A large part of this relates to its ability to utilise fuel, withContinue reading “Glucose, ketones and brain health: new study”

Are you dynamic in your thinking around nutrition?

As we near the end of our second week of lockdown, it’s a good time to check in. How are you feeling? I know for most people it’s a mix of both ‘I’m fine’ to feelings of despair where everything seems bleak. Last week on Facebook I posted how our alcohol consumption had basically skyrocketedContinue reading “Are you dynamic in your thinking around nutrition?”

Social distancing from your fridge

Well, for most reading this (unless you’re in Sweden), we are settling into real life, a new normal – but not as we know it. In New Zealand, we are waking up to day five of lockdown at time of writing. I don’t know about you, but adjustment has been interesting. Sometimes I feel likeContinue reading “Social distancing from your fridge”

Anxiety and COVID-19

Anxiety. It’s a human condition that we all experience and provides us with a significant evolutionary advantage. When we get that rush of catecholamines into the blood stream to prepare us to ‘fight or flight’ and a rush of blood to the brain too, it is alerting us that we need to be on ourContinue reading “Anxiety and COVID-19”

Vitamin D and your immunity

There has been heaps of interest in vitamin D right now as the world is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I thought I’d share some major points out of a recent review paper that summarised why it is important and why your vitamin D status matters. Vitamin D3 is produced when the skinContinue reading “Vitamin D and your immunity”